Thursday, May 11, 2006

Eric Fromm meets Jesus

As a discouraged psychology major about to graduate i feel it is my duty to dispel terrible untruths that reign supreme in modern psychology meanwhile affirming the things and processes that are true and accurate. Let me introduce you to Eric Fromm, a German/American who was a humanist but made leaps and bounds in the development of humanist psychology and human nature.

He was widely studied in Hebrew literature but had a tough time wrestling with this notion that evil lies deeply engrained in the human heart and is the default function apart from the regenerative work of the holy spirit. That being said he has something interesting to say regarding the nature of choice. This is not a commentary on a type of absolut free will simply the day-to-day nature of choosing Christ or the world. Interesting stuff from a humanist.....

"Our capacity to choose changes constantly with our practice of life. The longer we continue to make the wrong decisions, the more our heart hardens; the more often we make right decisions, the more our heart softens-or perhaps better, comes alive. Each step in life which increases my self-confidence, my integrity, my courage, my conviction also increases my capacityto choose the desireable alternative, until eventually it becomes more diffficult for me to choose the undesireable rather than the desireable action. On the other hand, each act of surrender and cowardice weakens me, opens the path for more acts of surrender, and eventually freedom is lost......

Most people fail in the art of living not because they are inherently bad or so without will that they cannot lead a better life; they fail because they do not wake up and see when they stand at a fork in the road and have to decide."

Amazingly profound insight into possibly how sin affects our decisions to choose righteousness continually.

God seemed to set the freedom before the people of Israel in the desert in Deuteronomy 11:27-28

"See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:

the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today;

and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known. "


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