Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Inspiration comes in Many Forms

Well it has been months since my last post but much has transpired since then and i figure its time to start blogging again before the Information Highway leaves me out to dry in some obscure rest area metaphorically around Lubbock.

I am going to be changing some things around and i am going to be doing a review of a book i just bought at goodwill for 2 bucks called the Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom. One of the most fascinating aspects of being outside of our culture (particularly in the UK) is the room allowed to diagnose the current state of our own American Culture in all its supposed grandeur.

It is in that process of discovery that i have found gaping holes in what we tend to call "education" today so i hope to process some of these thoughts in the Context particularly of what Christ calls us to. I will use Os Guinness' Fit Bodies Fat Minds and Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death as secondary sources but most of the work will come from Bloom's book.

May we never stop fighting for all the fullness that Christ has for us in this life and beyond,


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